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Spanish at UIS

We value your effort and dedication to learning Spanish. Our summer school course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive educational experience, culminating in certification that attests to your achievements and the skills acquired during the course. Here, you’ll find all the details you need about the certification process.



For external participants, each module of the summer course will be individually certified by UIS. This certification includes:

Achieved Level: The level of Spanish proficiency you have reached, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Performance: Your overall performance in the course, based on the grades obtained in the modules.




Communicative Content:

  • Sharing and Asking Personal Information: Profession, phone number, age, etc.
  • Discussing Family Relationships and Describing People: Talk about family members and describe their appearance and personality.
  • Expressing Likes and Preferences: Share what you like and dislike.
  • Making Small Purchases: Navigate through basic shopping situations.
  • Greetings and Farewells in Different Cultures: Learn how to greet and say goodbye in various cultural contexts.


Cultural Content:

  • Basic Festivals and Celebrations: Understand basic cultural celebrations such as Christmas and New Year.
  • Family and Basic Relationships: Explore the concept of family and basic relationships in different cultures.
  • Typical Food and Drinks: Discover common foods and beverages in Spanish-speaking countries.




Communicative Content:

  • Asking and Telling the Time: Learn how to ask for and give the time.
  • Navigating Restaurants and Shopping Centers: Talk about food and handle typical situations in restaurants and stores.
  • Daily Routines, Weekends, Vacations, and Schedules: Discuss daily activities, weekend plans, vacations, and various schedules.


Cultural Content:

  • Lifestyles and Customs: Explore common ways of living and cultural habits.
  • Describing Places, Cities, and Countries: Describe locations, cities, and countries in Spanish-speaking regions.
  • Basic Means of Transportation: Understand and discuss basic transportation methods.




Communicative Content:

  • Making Recommendations: Provide advice and suggestions on various topics.
  • Narrating a Person’s Life: Biographies: Tell the life story of someone.
  • Describing the House and Locating Objects: Talk about different parts of the house and where objects are located.
  • Requesting Actions and Favors and Granting Permission: Ask for help or actions and give permission.
  • Giving and Justifying Excuses: Provide reasons or excuses and justify them.
  • Talking about Plans: Discuss future plans and intentions.


Cultural Content:

  • Daily Life and Routine Activities: Explore everyday activities and routines.
  • Differences in School, Work, and Daily Life Across Cultures: Understand how school, work, and daily life vary in different cultures.
  • Food Customs and Gastronomy: Discover eating habits and typical foods.
  • Descriptions of People and their Clothing: Describe people’s appearance and attire.




Communicative Content:

  • Making Suggestions and Recommendations: Offer suggestions and give recommendations on various matters.
  • Understanding Medical Advice: Comprehend and follow medical advice and recommendations.
  • Discussing Habitual Actions, Past Actions, and Anecdotes: Talk about regular activities, actions in the past, and share past anecdotes.
  • Talking about Emotions: Express and discuss different emotions.


Cultural Content:

  • Traditional Festivals and Customs: Learn about traditional celebrations and cultural practices.
  • Importance of Family and Family Events: Understand the role of family and significant family events.
  • Shopping Habits and Local Markets: Explore typical shopping behaviors and local market customs.
  • Sports and Leisure Activities: Discuss common sports and leisure activities.




Communicative Content:

  • Discussing Changes Experienced in the Past: Talk fluently about changes you or others have experienced.
  • Expressing Prohibition, Obligation, and Impersonality: Use language to convey prohibition, obligations, and impersonal statements.
  • Expressing Cause and Consequence: Explain causes and their effects in various contexts.
  • Expressing Desires, Advice, Recommendations, Complaints, and Needs: Articulate wishes, provide advice and recommendations, make complaints, and express needs.


Cultural Content:

  • Basic History and Geography of the Target Language Country: Learn about fundamental historical events and geographical aspects of Spanish-speaking countries.
  • More Complex Customs and Traditions: Explore more intricate cultural customs and traditions.
  • Social Aspects and Cultural Differences: Understand social norms and cultural differences in depth.
  • Basic Literature, Cinema, and Music: Get acquainted with introductory literature, films, and music from the Spanish-speaking world.




Communicative Content:

  • Discussing Future and Conditional Actions and Situations: Talk about future events and conditional scenarios, and express hypotheses.
  • Summarizing Others’ Words and Conveying Information, Questions, and Intentions: Summarize what others have said and effectively communicate information, questions, and intentions.
  • Describing Objects and Discussing their Utility: Describe objects, talk about their uses, request them, and make evaluations.
  • Giving Opinions on Actions and Behaviors: Offer opinions on various actions and behaviors.
  • Formulating Hypotheses about the Present and the Past: Make hypotheses about current and past events.


Cultural Content:

  • Expressing Deeper Cultural Aspects: Explore and discuss deeper cultural elements such as values, beliefs, significant historical events, and important occurrences.
  • Comparing Cultures: Compare different cultures, highlighting similarities and differences.
  • Analyzing more Detailed Literary and Artistic Works: Analyze more intricate works of literature and art from Spanish-speaking cultures.


Contact Us

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Foreign Affairs Directorate

Phone: (+57) (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2216

Email: eidiomas@uis.edu.co

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UIS  Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander


Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria.

Edificio administración 2, primer piso.

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Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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